Anomalies of geomagnetic field due to a vertical prolate rotational ellipsoid

  • Milan HVOŽDARA Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
  • Ján VOZÁR Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies
Keywords: geomagnetic anomalies models, potentials of prolate spheroid, magnetometry in volcanic areas


We present an exact analytical solution of the forward magnetometric problem
for the perturbing body having the shape of the rotational prolate ellipsoid with the
longer axis oriented vertically to the surface of the earth. The anomaly of ΔZ and ΔT
is calculated for the network of points in the plane z = const above the ellipsoid, as well
as for the points on the surfaces of the volcanic hill: i) the cut cone, ii) the smooth shape
given by the rotation of the Gaussian curve. Theoretical results can be useful for the
interpretation of land or aeromagnetic survey in the volcanic areas.

Author Biography

Milan HVOŽDARA, Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

Dúbravská cesta 9, 845 28 Bratislava, Slovak Republic

How to Cite
HVOŽDARA, M., & VOZÁR, J. (2010). Anomalies of geomagnetic field due to a vertical prolate rotational ellipsoid. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, 40(3), 185-205.
original research papers