Statement on the war in Ukraine 

Without forgetting wars, tragedies and suffering in other parts of the world,
CGG wishes to express particular solidarity with Ukraine in these horrible days of war and invasion.
CGG condemns the war imposed on Ukraine by the Russian Federation,
a war that leads to terrible humanitarian crisis and bears many signs of war crimes.
We also express our appreciation of and solidarity with those scientists and
all people in Russia who spoke out and are speaking out against the war.
We understand and value that they risk persecution for their moral integrity and bravery.
We wish Ukraine an early and lasting peace, liberty, recovery and ongoing independence.

Online ISSN (e-ISSN): 1338-0540

CGG publishes original research papers, short and rapid communications and review articles covering a wide spectrum of earth science disciplines including deep structural geophysics, geodynamics, tectonics, near surface geophysics, applied and environmental geophysics, geomagnetism, seismology, paleomagnetism, space weather, geodesy and geomatics, surveying engineering, hydrology, hydro-geology, atmospheric science, climatology.

Open Access and licensing:
CGG is a platinum/diamond Open Access e-journal (free to read, free to distribute, free for authors, no processing or publishing fees). CGG uses Creative Commons licensing (CC BY-NC-ND). The authors do retain their copyright.
From 2009 to 2019 CGG was co-published by Sciendo/DeGruyter as Open Access under this license

Review Process:,
Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by peer reviewers in a single blind review process (reviewers may waive their anonymity if they wish).

The language of CGG is English. 

CGG is owned and published by the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.

Abstracting and Indexing:
SCOPUS, WOS Core Collection (ESCI), DOAJ, Index Copernicus Int., EBSCO, SCImago (SJR), Genamics Journal Seek, and others.


WOS (JCR): IF (2024) = tbd, IF (2023) = 0.7, IF (2022) = 0.7
Scopus (SJR):
quartile = tbd (2024), Q4 (2023), Q4 (2022), Q3 (2021), Q3 (2020), Q4 (2019), Q3 (2018)
CiteScore = 1.6 (2024 to date), 1.2 (2023), 1.3 (2022), 1.4 (2021), 1.0 (2020),
SCImago Journal & Country Rank

Rejection rate:  56 % (2024), 62 % (2023), 48 % (2022), 46 % (2021), 54 % (2020)


CGG is the journal of the Earth Science Institute (ESI) of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (since July 2015), formerly of the Geophysical Institute of the SAS, which merged in July 2015 with the Geological Institute of the SAS to form the ESI SAS with two divisions (geology and geophysics). CGG is a successor of the journal Contribution of the Geophysical Institute of the SAS published by the institute (once per annum, ISSN 0586-4607) since 1969 and its associated “Series of Meteorology” (once per annum, ISBN 80-224-0187-0) since 1974. Since 1998 (Vol. 28) the CGG had been published in print as 4 issues per annum. Since 2009 the 4 issues are published also electronically as Open Access fulltexts. From 2009 to 2019 CGG has been co-published by Versita, DeGruyter (successor of Versita) and recently by Sciendo (of De Gruyter). In 2014 (Vol. 44) the print production stops and CGG becomes electronic only.