Editorial Office CGG
Editor-in-Chief : Peter Vajda (Earth Sci. Inst., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, SR)
Co-Editor-in-Chief: Roman Pašteka (Comenius University in Bratislava, SR)
Technical Editor: Igor Kohút (Earth Sci. Inst., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, SR)
OJS management and administration: Dušan Bilčík (Earth Sci. Inst., Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava, SR)
Editorial Board CGG
member | field | affiliation |
Alasonati Tašárová Zuzana | gravimetry / geophysics | Equinor Norway |
Bain John E. | magnetometry / gravimetry | Bain Geophysical Services Inc., Houston, USA |
Barton Kevin | archaeogeophysics | Landscape and Geophysical Services, Ireland |
Bielik Miroslav | geophysics | Comenius Uni., Bratislava, SR |
Biswas Arkoprovo | near surface geophysics | Banaras Hindu Uni., Varanasi, India |
Carniel Roberto | seismology / machine learning | Uni. of Udine, Italy |
Carlino Stefano | seismology / geothermics | INGV Napoli, Italy |
Chiappini Massimo | volcanology | INGV Roma, Italy |
Fernández José | geosciences | IGEO, CSIC-UCM, Madrid, Spain |
Foroughi Ismael | geodesy | UNB, Canada |
Gobashy Mohamed M. | geophysics | Cairo Uni., Egypt |
Janák Juraj | geodesy | Slovak Uni. of Technology Bratislava, SR |
Molnar Peter | earth sciences | ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Petrovský Eduard | geo-/rock- magnetism | Geophys. Inst., Czech Acad. Sci., ČR |
Pandula Blažej | geotechnics | TU in Košice, BERG, SR |
Papčo Juraj | geodesy | Slovak Uni. of Technology Bratislava, SR |
Parajka Juraj | hydrology | Vienna Uni. of Technology, Austria |
Szolgay Ján | hydrology | Slovak Uni. of Technology Bratislava, SR |
Stanley John M. | magnetometry / geophysics | Gap Geophysics Pty Ltd., Brisbane, Australia |
Tenzer Robert | geodesy | Polytechnic Uni., Hong Kong |
Tolasz Radim | climatology / meteorology | Czech Hydrometeorological Inst., CR |
Oliveira Saulo P. | computational geosciences | Federal University of Parana, Brazil |
Pham Luan Thanh | potential fields / geophysics | Vietnam National Uni., Hanoi, Vietnam |
Bagherbandi Mohammad | applied geodesy | University of Gävle, Sweden |