Estimation of GNSS tropospheric products and their meteorological exploitation in Slovakia
This paper discusses the in near–real time processing of Global Navigation Satellite System observations at the Department of Theoretical Geodesy at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. Hourly observations from Central Europe are processed with 30 minutes delay to provide tropospheric products. The time series and maps of tropospheric products over Slovakia are published online. Zenith total delay is the most important tropospheric parameter. Its comparison with zenith total delays from IGS and E–GVAP solutions and the validation of estimated zenith total delay error over year 2018 have been made. Zenith total delays are used to improve initial conditions of numerical weather prediction model by the means of the three–dimensional variational analysis at Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. The impact of assimilation of different observation types into numerical weather prediction model is discussed. The case study was performed to illustrate the impact of zenith total delay assimilation on the precipitation forecast.